Preventing Gender-Based Violence
Violence against women in the Arab region is present in all its forms. AiW works both independently and with partners to prevent and respond to this violence and to build an enabling social and legal environment to end this abuse.
Intimate partner violence is the most prevalent form in the region. AiW also works to address child marriage, trafficking and sexual exploitation, sexual violence, and other forms through education, research, policy papers, film screenings, and training guides. We create and lead capacity building trainings for GBV practitioners, media professionals, and security actors – amongst others. AiW also works to galvanize youth through art for activism and other engaging activities to ignite young activists.
Related Projects
- Project: “Increased Capacity of Women Organizations Through the Implementation of the Associate Diploma in GDHA”
- Project: Countering Backlash: Reclaiming Gender Justice
- Project: Violence Counts! Strengthening Arab Regional Capacity to Collect Data on Violence against Women
- Annual Regional Training: Laure Moghaizel
- “Shabaket el Meem”: LGBTQ Youth Support Platform
- Coordination and Support for the Human Rights Network
- Project: “Equality for Everyone: Gender Reform from Grassroots to Government”
- Support for Security Sector
- Capacity Building for Law Enforcement Personnel in Lebanon on Human Rights
Related Research
- دراسة مقارنة عن العنف ضد المراسلين والمراسلات خلال احتجاجات عام 2019 في لبنان
- Comparative Study of Violence Against Female Reporters and Male Reporters During Lebanon’s 2019 Protest Movement
- برنامج التعليم والتدريب على مناهضة العنف القائم على اساس الجنس او الوضع الاجتماعي في المؤسسات الأمنية
- الوصمة الإجتماعيَّة في البرامج التلفزيونيَّة
- هي تطبخ، هو يقرأ
- المرأة العربية في العلم والعمل
- مشكلات المرأة العربية في التعليم والعمل
- المرأة والعمل في لبنان
- Women, Employment and Development in the Arab World
- Sex Role Images in Lebanese Textbooks
- Women Artists in Lebanon
- Women and Work in Lebanon
- Identification and Elimination of Sex Stereotypes in and from School Textbooks: Some Suggestions for Action in the Arab World
- Contemporary Arab Women Writers and Poets
- Arab Women and Education
- تعزيز قدرات قوى الأمن الداخلي في مجال حقوق الإنسان
- حماية القاصرات من الزواج المبكر: الواقع والمرتجى