The Arab Institute for Women

News & Events

In Brief

Word from The AiW’s Ardent Supporter Dr. Jabbra

“Gender equality is a war that we cannot afford to lose. We need to continue to be at the forefront in education, research and advocacy for this cause. With your passionate commitment, I am confident that we will carry the day and continue to be at the cutting edge in this fight.”

Joseph G. Jabbra, Ph.D.,
Lebanese American University

Our Work

We have led several events and activities on and off LAU campus which reflect our main thematic areas. In addition to that, we organize a yearly art competition where the most powerful pieces of art are selected as the winning cases. Our YouTube Channel will give you a glimpse of organized and hosted events such as panel discussions, movie screenings, and conferences, as well as the art competition winning pieces and our gender equality song, In My Hand.


AiW at Women Deliver!

The Arab Institute for Women (AiW) was lucky to be represented at the Women Deliver Conference in Vancouver, Canada by its Executive Director Dr. Lina Abi Rafeh, Director Myriam Sfeir, and Moufeeda Haidar, Lead Gender Integration Specialist.

Dr. Abirafeh participated in several sessions at the conference including a plenary session entitled “The Power of Breaking Barriers: Systemic change, individual gain” and Moufeeda Haidar participated in the session “Beyond the #hashtag: Power and women’s movements in the era of #metoo”.

Resources on Women and Gender Issues

The AiW and the LAU libraries are partnering to offer a wealth of resources on gender and women’s issues.

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